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Order smart with MenuIQ

Easily compare online prices across delivery apps and restaurant websites to help you make the best choice every time.

Did you know?

The markups on delivery apps are up to 91% more expensive than what you would pay in-store.*

How it works

Look for the MenuIQ icon in-app to see how much you are saving by ordering on Ritual. Clicking the icon will provide more information, allowing you to compare prices across delivery apps and the restaurant’s online menu.

Fair & transparent

All apps have a cost for ordering, however, some are hidden in menu markups or surprise fees. According to a restaurant pricing expert interviewed by Business Insider the 20% to 30% ‘inflation’ on delivery apps isn’t sustainable⁺. At Ritual, we value transparency and fairness. We created MenuIQ to empower users to make decisions that fit their budget.

Reliable price comparisons

We compare prices regularly to ensure the prices you see match what appears on delivery apps or on the restaurant’s website. Savings are calculated from the base price excluding order fees and one-off temporary discounts.**

We want to hear from you

MenuIQ is still in beta. Our team uses AI technology to match menus across various sources. While this works in most cases it sometimes makes mistakes. We look forward to bringing MenuIQ to even more of your favourite restaurants soon.
Share your feedback

*Information paraphrased from “Up to 91% More Expensive: How Delivery Apps Eat Up Your Budget” by The New York Times
⁺Information paraphrased from “I bought meals from Chipotle, Chick-Fil-A, and McDonald's in-store and online. I was shocked by menu markups as high as 38% for the delivered food.” by Business Insider
**Ongoing savings such as Company Discounts will be included in the savings calculation where applicable.
***MenuIQ is only available in Canada.